
囍月 Cheerful Cafe

今晚應邀出席一個梅迷聚會, 聽吓幾位有心人想晌今年籌辦嘅紀念活動, 一齊討論比吓意見。基本上整體意念唔錯, 但係涉及嘅財力人力物力巨大, 要實行真係唔容易, 希望快啲搵到讚助商啦! 今次聚會嘅 Cafe 都有啲特別, 係由幾個梅迷合資經營, 所以 梅姐 嘅海報同音樂自然少不了! 有興趣嘅梅迷有時間就上去支持吓啦!

囍月 Cheerful Cafe
香港 銅鑼灣 利園山道13-15號 三樓

2 則留言:

Walter 說...

Is the "囍月 Cheerful Cafe" still open? I went to Causeway Bay looking for it in Dec 2008. Could only find the sign and no cafe inside the building.

占咪仔 說...

Hi Walter,
Sorry for late reply, I just read your message. Anyways, please note that「囍月」already moved to 中環 and change it's name to「Sa Wat Dee Club」, the new address is 半山堅道110-118號1B樓, Tel: 28456969.
